Infobulletin airlines CDO

Infobulletin airlines

Dit informatiebulletin is door Eindhoven Airport naar de airlines gestuurd om hernieuwde aandacht te vragen voor de Continuous Descend Operations (CDO).

Dear all,

Due to noise constraints as well as environmental factors Eindhoven airport (EHEH/EHV) introduced Continues Descend Operations in 2014. Recently we have observed on near daily basis aircraft have either been deviating from these routings or they are not aware of the existence. Whether this is because the flight crew is unable to identify the correct chart or set up the FMS we don’t know at this time. However adhering to these procedures is important to maintain the current level of operation at Eindhoven we are looking at several steps to improve the current situation.

- For MILATCC and in particular EHEH ARRIVAL we are currently reviewing the STAR chart as well as the CDO approach ILS-X.

- Furthermore standard phraseology is being reviewed and alterations will be made to ensure the CDO transition is phrased correctly so no misunderstanding exist on which chart the correct routing can be found during the setup of the FMS.

While we ensure our documentation and communication is up to par, we expect all operators to adhere to these procedures. Therefore we ask you to emphasize to flight crew operators into or out of EHEH that adherence to these procedures is a strict requirement.
Furthermore crew should be informed of the following:

- When approaching Eindhoven at initial contact with EHEH Arrival clearance for RNAV transition into ILS-X for the active runway can be expected. The charts correlating to this approach can be found in the section Approach, subsection of the active runway. The transition will be labeled as Initial approach.

- For the FMS the RNAV transition will be under the transitions label. Note that this is only shown when ILS-X or RNP-Y is selected. If ILS-Y is selected no transition will be available.

In case of future deviations of the CDO procedures we will contact the operator directly to ensure actions are put in place to prevent repetition. If you have any questions or remarks regarding radar services at Eindhoven Airport on this or other subjects, contact us via Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken..

Kind regards,

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